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Financial Savings Management Software

Unlock untapped cost savings and financial efficiency

Zycus' Financial Savings Management Software

Advanced Savings Tracking Software for Procurement-Finance Collaboration

Zycus Financial Savings Management is a collaborative platform that allows you to develop, track & facilitate procurement savings by auto-converting procurement savings into financial measures

Three Steps to Better Track Financial Savings with Zycus

Zycus Financial Savings Management Key Features

Zycus Financial Savings Managements’ integrated spend enables flipping of spend opportunities into savings projects.

The Benefits of Procurement Savings Tracking Software


Smart Procurement for Sustainable Savings
5 Ways the Oil and Gas Industry can Boost Savings and Profits
Uncover the hidden saving potential: How to get deep visibility in your current spend to identify hidden savings opportunities

Success Stories

Philippines Transforms-kh
A leading retail firm in Philippines transforms its source-to-pay operations with Zycus’ suite of solutions
One of the largest Asian financial institutions embraces cloud for the first time, with Zycus
TECOM transforms its procurement infrastructure with Zycus’ suite of solutions


Zycus Financial Savings Management is an advanced savings management solution for procurement-finance collaboration. It gives structure and credibility to savings projects, cut across functional boundaries and promote recognition and realization of bottom-line cost savings.
  • Brings structure, credibility, and efficiency to procurement contributions
  • Maps and automates existing workflows for efficient collaboration between procurement and finance
  • Ensures accurate and transparent reporting of savings